Unfortunately what really takes place under our noses is
covered up or distorted by our media. Even in higher education the demeanor against
inductive reasoning when addressing origin of life is synonymous to an intellectual
monopoly. If you DO submit materials
even hinting at I.D. (intelligent Design) you are labeled as unfit to represent
the very profession you worked hard for and earned, and I mean materials with sound
reasoning and plausible arguments/evidence.
So, when I read posts
like this it sounds like a challenge
which can never be met since one side is holding the cards and owns the casino.
The specialists are supposed to be taken for their word and
to be peer reviewed, etc. Then the
scientific community can tweak and what- not till they get a theory fine tuned.
Well, it is majority ruled by intellectual bullies (I cant believe I said that). The majority may be wrong
on some finer issues and numbers are daunting the results; if we think this
does not happen, we are fooling ourselves, or we are being fooled.
I have just recently discovered that the people calling the
shots in certain fields like cosmology 'discovered' the Multiverse Theory
because some of them distinctively found good evidence for a
designed cosmos thru what is called the Cosmological Constant. Mathematics showed the way to God, so to speak,
and guess what? Well, since certain people did not want the religious smell of
old candles in the lab, they needed to opt for an alternative, and vwallah:
Muti-universes (infinite number of universes, some successful, some not so
successful) now exist with ours to simply pop up to solve any supernatural
issues. This is not purely innocent by a
long stretch of the word. The people listed below are not welcome in your
college level science discussion groups (if you sympathize with their views).
But none of them graduated from strictly religious institutions with a
religious agenda, rather it was the opposite: from naturalism to supernaturalism
which means from no intent to intent behind the scenes of the fabric of
space/time and life itself-us included.
Dr Dean Kenyon is a great example. He coauthored the book
called Chemical Predestination used by I don't know how many universities. He
was set in his career until he was shown a book by Dr Wilder Smith. Why did he
not learn of that man in college, well, guess. He switched camps-and it must
have been a painful process- as he was fired from his tenure position after
going public with his more I.D./ creationist direction from his abiogenesis notions
which he himself interpreted for the rest of the scientific community: talk
about qualified specialist. (I would like to see Eugene Scott top this)
Although my writing is a little terse I wish not to be, as
this topic is more significant than what it is made out to be.
Here are 6 individuals that are specialists in their
respectable fields who have seen and demonstrated very credible cases for the
very thing evolution believing atheists cannot stomach: the fingerprints of
God. If you have heard of them 9 out of 10 times it was with derision. I myself
took 2 classes at the university level in physical anthropology long before I
came to the realization that I was not being shown stuff which I think people
who are politically opposed to both I.D. and Creation theories holds back from
Dean Kenyon (link)
Michael Behe (link)
Wilder Smith (link)
Gary Parker (link)
Richard Sternberg (link)
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